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Reviews of Mariners Bible Reading Series
Reviews for "Lifting the Lid - a journey through Revelation"
Revelation is a book about which I have often said, “I’ll look deeper into that,” and not done so. It is mystical, filled with imagery, scary when you don’t understand it. The “Lifting the Lid” series made Revelation, which had previously been a mysterious book, an exciting adventure into the deeper things of God, as well as a challenge to live our lives completely and utterly for God. The questions the series places before the reader helped me to think deeper and not just sit back, read and turn the page. I enjoyed the personal stories and illustrations through the series, which made me feel like I was being spoken to personally. The series challenges the reader to become part of the story, not just an onlooker. From beginning to end, the series reminds us that God is in control. He is on the throne and His purposes will be fulfilled. This study has definitely “lifted the lid” on the book of Revelation.
Reviews for "On the Move - Life of Abraham"
"On the Move - Life of Abraham" is a study that I can guarantee will deepen your understanding and appreciation of what a wonderful Father God we have. Martyn's rich knowledge of the culture of biblical times, and his understanding of the original Hebrew this story was first written in, and explained with his characteristic humour - combine to deliver a riveting, exciting, enlightening, a faith-building month-long Bible study which you may, like me, on finishing, just want go back to the start and do it all again! I was bowled over time and time again by light-bulb moments when my faith deepened and I thrilled with the glory of God's work in Abraham - and so us. This is a study I will do again and again. It's that good!
“I have always believed that Martyn is an excellent teacher of the Scriptures and this is very clearly shown in the Bible study “On the Move”. Martyn has great insight into both the Scriptures and human nature, which makes the study very relevant to our daily lives and our walk with God.
I found myself often thinking, ‘Was this written just for me?’ The questions at the end of each study are good pondering points and kept me thinking long after I finished each day’s study. I’m looking forward to the next …”
Reviews for "Expecting Jesus - an Advent and Christmas Journey
I have heard the Christmas story at least a hundred times and I thought I understood all its implications. I was wrong! I spent a very happy month reading Martyn's "Expecting" and every day was a revelation of new and exciting ideas and information that I had never learned before. This articulate and knowledgeable study made me feel I was really there with Mary and Joseph - and Jesus. It even brought back memories of my own pregnancies such was the vividness of Martyn's writing. I had many epiphanies and aha! moments as I really 'saw' how it was for Jesus, Mary and Joseph. I absolutely recommend this study - you will be enriched!
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